Saturday, June 2, 2012

More Jericho!

I did not watch Jericho when it actually aired on television.  I am a native Kansan and I knew it was set in Kansas, but having lived through a lifetime of Wizard of Oz jokes and then remembering The Day After, I was turned off by the premise of an apocalyptic narrative set in Kansas.  This was a mistake.  I had some friends who were passionate about this show and who rallied to try to save it, but even still I didn't jump on the Jericho bandwagon.
I came to Jericho through Netflix, actually my wife began watching it and she raved about it.  So I finally watched an episode or two and I was hooked.  I liked the writing, the storyline and the characters.  I was surprised that a show like this didn't catch on.  After watching the full season one and the abbreviated season two, I was hungry for more.
Jericho: Season 3 Civil War was exactly what I was looking for.  I must confess that I am not a fan of graphic novels, but this book does a very good job of continuing the story and tying up some loose ends that the cancellation of the series did not allow for.  If you are a fan of the show Jericho and rue the fact that is is no longer on the air, this will be a fix for you.
Of course, even the graphic novel ends with a cliffhanger and I am not aware if there is any plan to release another graphic novel or if fans will be left hanging once again.


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